But, I’m amazed that there are so many other individuals who will tell complete lies thinking you have no discernment whatsoever. You can’t blame non-believers who have no understanding about Spiritual discernment. But, what about those who should know better?
Of course in this day and age I have found there is a great lack of discernment not only in the world, but also in our churches. This is why so many people are deceived. The book I’m currently writing deals with deception in the last days. There is absolutely no question as to why Jesus warns us repeatedly in the New Testament about deception.
We hate to think that our Christian friends, or leaders would ever tell us anything that is untrue, but it happens. It only takes one person to be led astray, and they can spread untruth faster than a wildfire. This is why we must read and know the Truth of the Holy Bible, and pray for discernment—so we are not led astray.
There are also those who like to embellish things—a lot. They see no harm in over exaggerating a move of God, or telling people a great miracle has happened when none has really happened. They think they are doing no harm. In fact they may even think they are doing God a favor by exaggerating His great power.
But, God doesn’t need our help. We serve a God who is still in the miracle working business. We do more harm than good when we speak falsely about what He has done. First we damage our own testimony. Other Christians often have the Spiritual discernment to know if we are being honest or not.
Secondly, if the miracle is disproven—and if it’s false it will be—there’s a world of skeptics out there just waiting to discredit anything God does. When we embellish, exaggerate or speak untruth we just fuel the non-believers fire, feeding their doubt and disbelief.
We must use discernment. There are some people who will chase so-called signs and wonders all over the globe. I was reading a post earlier today in a group for Credentialed ministers where someone was asking about the legitimacy of the Bible in Georgia that is supposedly leaking oil. I’m not saying God can’t make a Bible gush oil, but I don’t see a reason for it.
I say this with the utmost love and respect, but I’m not going to go chasing gold dust, feathers, or random gems. However, I do hope to always be found chasing Jesus! He is the Only One worth chasing. And, He’s not running from us. He’s waiting for us to wake up and experience the real miracles He has called us to do.
I have seen Him do miracles right before my eyes. I’m talking about real life, doctor proven healings. I know what God is capable of doing. I’m convinced that when we experience a real and proven miracle, we cannot be satisfied with anything less.
On the other hand when we become deceived by unimportant distractions posing as miracles, we cripple ourselves from experiencing REAL miracles! I don’t know about you, but I only want the real thing! I want to see the sick healed, the leper cleansed, the dead raised, and demons cast out. Let’s stop chasing distractions, and chase Jesus. He will provide the real miracles, and we will never be the same.
“As you go, proclaim this message: ‘The kingdom of heaven has come near.’ Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy, drive out demons. Freely you have received; freely give.”
Matthew 10:7,8 NIV