When we talk about the story of Joseph in the Bible, we often refer to all his hardships and trials and how God used him for greatness taking him from the pit to the palace. But, one of the first things I think about when I think of Joseph was his inability to hold his tongue.
As I have read about the dreams God gave Joseph, I have often wondered why He didn’t also give him the common sense to keep it to himself. But, then I have to remember how I felt when God called me. I was so excited. Not only did God put the dream in my heart, but He confirmed it multiple times. Having the dream and the confirmations made me extra eager to share my excitement with everyone else.
I only wish God had dropped an instruction manual in my lap with the call He had given me. Take a little free advice from someone who has learned the hard way—hold onto that dream like precious treasure and only share it with a few. I found that many people didn’t care to know, others won’t see it in you, some will think you are bragging or gloating, and still others will be just plain jealous.
I’m not saying that is the case with everyone. We all have God appointed friends who are happy to share in our excitement, but we probably shouldn’t go announcing it on the seven o’clock news just yet! And always be considerate of the feelings of others.
Joseph’s dreams involved him ruling over his brothers. His brothers were already jealous of Joseph because he was their father, Jacob’s, favorite. So imagine how his news kindled their fiery hatred toward him. If you’ve read the story, you know it didn’t go well. (pun not intended)
Discovering God’s call on your life is wonderful. It’s exciting, scary, humbling, and definitely something we want to share. But we must remember, we don’t always get to wear the crown as soon as we get news about it. David was anointed as King, but it was many, many years later before he would actually wear the crown.
Jospeh went through years of troubles and trials before he stepped into his position. In both cases, God was preparing them. We don’t know it all when God calls us. Yes, we know He does equip the called, but we must follow His lead. If we try to get ahead of Him, things will not go well. But, when we remain humble and let Him take control—in other words stay out of His way—He will place the crown on our heads at just the right time.
We don’t have to tell others about our calling or attempt to prove it. God’s power will be on display through us as we seek to bring glory to Him alone. And in His perfect timing He will lift us up in honor.
So humble yourselves under the mighty power of God, and at the right time he will lift you up in honor. 1 Peter 5:6 (NLT)