Let me first share the dream, and then I will share what the Holy Spirit told me it meant.
I dreamt I was walking on a sidewalk through a nice neighborhood. A rowdy child was running along with me, but he was running all over the lawns of the homeowners. Every so often, he would bring me a large egg that he had found on the lawn. They were about the size of ostrich eggs. Some were beginning to hatch, and others were not. And some lawns had no egg at all. The eggs were all different colors and shapes.
I continually pleaded with the child to leave the eggs where he found them and not touch or disturb them so they could hatch naturally. He didn’t listen. He couldn’t understand the value of what he was handling so haphazardly. I kept taking them from him and putting them back in their safe places from where he had removed them.
Soon, we came to an area where the ground was saturated with water and extremely muddy. I began to plead with the young man to get on the sidewalk and out of the mud. He would hop on the sidewalk and walk several feet, but then I would notice him off the path and in the mud again. It seemed I was continually imploring him to get back on the sidewalk, but he just chose to do whatever he wanted—on the path one minute and off the path the next. My efforts seemed useless.
Next, I saw a family walking out their front door. They were seemingly close to God and one another. They joined us on the sidewalk. As we were all walking, it became eerily quiet when suddenly, out of nowhere, a huge tsunami crashed down on us. The parents were frantically reaching for their children as the rapids carried us all away. Two of the children listened and grabbed hold of their parents. The other two chose to follow the voice of a stranger and were swept away. The remaining family members were crying and devastated.
After this, the scene changed and I was driving around in a huge parking lot trying to find a parking space. Every time I thought I had found one, I would notice that the cars on either side were parked over the line, so there was not enough room for me to get in. This happened repeatedly and I was so frustrated. I finally noticed another car experiencing the same problem, and soon another appeared also encountering the same problem.
Finally one of the drivers noticed an attendant motioning to us, and we all followed him into a large, spacious parking area with hundreds of available spots. I felt a huge relief, and then I woke up.
As I mentioned, I thought this was complete craziness until I heard the Holy Spirit begin to whisper what I feel was the interpretation.
The walk on the sidewalk past the houses in the neighborhood represents those who are a part of the Kingdom of God. Each house represents one Christian. The eggs represent spiritual gifts God has given to the individual in that house. As we walk into this next year, God is going to birth new gifts into the lives of His followers. Some will be birthed sooner than others. Be patient, it's coming.
The rambunctious boy represents people who will try to discourage you or tell you that God has no plans for you. They have no understanding of what God is doing in your life, nor will they want to understand it. They will try to destroy any hope of your dreams coming to fruition.
When I was running to replace the eggs in their original locations, the Holy Spirit revealed this signified the importance of protecting your gifts. Use care when God reveals your gift/gifts to you. Be patient, and do not flaunt your gifts, but walk in humility before God, understanding these gifts are for His glory, are fragile, and come with a huge responsibility.
As I kept walking and tried everything I could to get the young man to stay on the path and out of the mud, the Holy Spirit showed me that there will be many that you will encounter who will be lukewarm. They live for Him for a moment and then run back out into the sin of the world. They will walk on the path one minute and run back into the mud and mire of the world repeatedly. They have no regard for holiness, and they don't take God seriously.
Keep preaching truth! Don’t be discouraged when people reject the message or refuse to surrender all to God. You must continue to speak the truth knowing some will accept the Word of God and completely surrender to Him, and others will try to live in the world and turn to God only when they are in trouble or want something from Him. You can’t take it personally. Keep doing what God has called you to do. Ministry is so rewarding but often heartbreaking as well.
Along the same lines, the family who came out of their house were all seemingly close to God and one another. The parents appeared to be strong spiritual leaders, possibly pastors. They walked on the sidewalk together until the tsunami came. This represented a similar point. First of all, we must be diligent to speak truth to our families and do everything we can to warn them of the imminent danger looming ahead.
Some of our family members will listen, while others will choose to listen to the enemy’s voice. Satan will lead them into deception, and they will be swept away. We must realize the devastating finality of their decision. This should make us weep! While we have the time and opportunity, we must do all we can to persuade our loved ones about the coming of the Lord. For He will truly take us home in an instant, in the blink of an eye.
For those who think they will get into heaven on the coattails of their Spiritual leaders or family members, this is not the case. It's time to take responsibility for your own relationship with Jesus. Warnings need to be spoken to family members and others who look up to us.
And finally, the last part of the dream has a two-fold meaning. In the crowded parking lot there appeared to be open spaces but when I approached the space, I realized I couldn’t actually fit into the space.
The Holy Spirit revealed that some of you will encounter open doors in the next year that appear to be great, but as you begin to evaluate the situation and pray about it, you will realize you must turn down the open door. Listen to His voice. He will never lead you astray. Some opportunities appear to be great, but they are not doors that God wants you to walk through. Always seek His direction. His open doors are best. Don’t try to fit where you don’t belong.
And the second meaning of the last part…
When you feel like you are the only one left speaking truth (think of Elijah) you will often feel like you do not “fit” anywhere. You may be looking for a place to fit in and be accepted by others, yet you continue to feel ostracized. Don’t worry. The parking attendant represents God. He sees you, and He knows there are others who are experiencing the same things because of their unwillingness to sugarcoat His Word.
He will lead you to your “tribe.” You are not alone. There are others who boldly speak the truth, who will encourage you, lift you up, and understand exactly what you are going through. Keep your eyes on Jesus. He will help you find your tribe! You are not alone.
I hope this resonated with you.
God bless you in all you do for Him in 2025 and beyond!
Donna Sparks
1 Corinthians 12:4-11
There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. 5 There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. 6 There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work.
7 Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good. 8 To one there is given through the Spirit a message of wisdom, to another a message of knowledge by means of the same Spirit, 9 to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healing by that one Spirit, 10 to another miraculous powers, to another prophecy, to another distinguishing between spirits, to another speaking in different kinds of tongues, and to still another the interpretation of tongues. 11 All these are the work of one and the same Spirit, and he distributes them to each one, just as he determines.